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Greg Moser.

Attorney at Law.

Professional info

​I am licensed to practice law in Missouri, Indiana, and in the 8th Circuit Federal Courts.  I hold a J.D. from Saint Louis University, where I completed concentrations in civil litigation, criminal litigation, and employment law.  I also have expertise in public and media relations and persuasive communication from my master's degree in communication, as well as my time working as a press secretary at the Indiana House of Representatives.  These skills make me a highly competent orator who can skillfully represent clients even in the most delicate of matters.

Work experience

​While working in SLU's legal clinic, I represented several clients and appeared in court on their behalf in various matters including municipal and traffic violations, bankruptcy proceedings, and suits on accounts-stated.  At the culmination of my time with the clinic, I was presented the Blue Towel Award for excellence in working with mentally unstable clients.

Saint Louis University Civil Litigation Clinic

​Legal Intern

Skills and Certifications





Lexis Advance

Microsoft Office



2010 - present

2010 - present

Saint Louis Circuit Attorney's Office

​Legal Intern

At the Circuit Attorney's Office, I worked as part of the drug crimes unit.  I second-chaired two felony trials and spent a week working with the misdemeanors unit where I represented the State of Missouri during preliminary hearings.  I also argued on behalf of the State during plea, probation revocation, and bond review hearings.

Professional Memberships


Indiana Bar Association

Missouri Bar Association

American Bar Association


Indiana House of Representatives

​Communications Intern

In the Indiana House, I served as a press secretary for ten State Representatives, including the House Minority Floor Leader.  This position required excellent communication skills in a fast-paced setting.  Because the House was split 51-49 at the time, the atmosphere was very high-stakes and required a careful hand.  I tracked press coverage in online and print media outlets, crafted press releases (which are available for review upon request), constituent newsletters public talking points, and podcasts on the representatives' behalf.  I also organized a media event at the Indiana Statehouse.

Publicationsand Presentations

Moser, G. E. (2009). Defining terrorism: A framing analysis of the evolution of "terrorism" post-9/11. (Master's thesis), Available from OhioLINK ETD. Retrieved from Gregory E.pdf?miami1260391532

Moser, G. E. (2009, April). Engaging students: How internet-based applications can facilitate communication between students and instructors. Presentation given at the 100th annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Moser, G. E. (2008, November). Remembering the holocaust: An unconventional analysis of the millennial generation's response to holocaust rhetoric. Paper presented at the National communication association convention, San Diego, CA.

Moser, G. E. (2008, November). We're all in this together: An examination of the unconventional relationship between communication centers and forensics programs. Presentation given at the National Communication Association convention, San Diego, CA.

Moser, G. E. & Crawford, J. K. (2008). How is that helpful?: An analysis of ballot helpfulness. In Cronn-Mills, D. (Ed.), Conference Proceedings of the National Developmental Conference on Individual Events (pp. 141-144).

Moser, G. E. (2005, November). Ballots: A student perspective. Paper presented at the National communication association convention, Boston, MA.

While at SLU, I earned concentrations in civil litigation, criminal litigation, and employment law. As part of my employment law certificate, I performed a directed research project on the Affordable Care Act under the tutelage of Prof. Susan FitzGibbon, Director of the Wefel Center for Employment Law.  I also served as a Representative on behalf of my class on the Student Bar Association.  As a third-year law student, I also served as the Marshal, serving to keep meetings running smoothly and stifling any disruptive behavior.

Saint Louis University

Juris Doctor, May 2012
Concentrations:  Civil Litigation, Criminal Litigation, Employment Law


Missouri State Public Defender System

Assistant Public Defender​

As an assistant public defender based in Chillicothe, Missouri, I represented indigent defendants in a 13-county area on matters ranging from juvenile delinquency to felony homicide (non-capital).  I first-chaired multiple trials in Missouri's 3rd and 9th judicial circuits and served on a state-wide committee on research technology.

My master's coursework included the study of persuasive communication, public relations, persuasive communication, and crisis communication.  These skills are easily transferable to a career as an attorney as I must use my background in persuasion to diligently and competently represent my clients while guiding them through their crises.

As a Graduate Assistant, I served in three ways.  First, I taught six sections of Public Expression and Critical Inquiry, the basic communication course at the university.  This entailed teaching persuasive, informative, and impromptu speaking in addition to argumentation and debate.  I also instructed students on communication theory and rhetorical analysis.  Second, I served as a research assistant for two professors in the areas of health communication and political communication.  Third, I coached the Miami University Speech and Debate team, culminating in a top ten finish at the National Forensic Association's national tournament. 

Miami University

Master of Arts, December 2009
Program:  Speech Communication

Butler University

Bachelor of Arts, May 2007
Majors:  Political Science and Communication Studies

As an undergraduate, I served as the president of my fraternity, gaining valuable leadership experience as I commanded a chapter of nearly 100 men during a time of growth, physically and spiritually.  I oversaw the expansion of our home and hosted our national conclave for over 1000 undergraduate and alumni members.  Additionally, I led our chapter from being a recently chartered organization to a group that continues to set the standard for fraternal organizations, as the chapter continues to garner national attention as one of the top fraternity chapters in existence.  

I also served as the captain of the speech and debate team for three years, leading the team from being minimally competitive to its first-ever placement at the National Forensic Association's national tournament.

These two activities evidence that I am competitive, eloquent, and that I have the work ethic to be among the best at what I do.

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